BSSD Graduation Dates
The Bering Strait School District is excited to announce that we will be holding in person graduation ceremonies for the 2021 high school graduates.
Check with your school to see capacity limits for graduation day!

2021 Graduation Dates!
The Bering Strait School District is excited to announce that we will be holding in person graduation ceremonies for the 2021 high school graduates.
Check with your school to see capacity limits for graduation day!

Share your thoughts on the COVID-19 Pandemic & Education!
AK DEED Survey Closes on May 16 at 11:59am: https://my.thoughtexchange.com/scroll/808824766
Calling all families & advocates of migratory children, English learners, Alaska Native children, children with disabilities, children experiencing homelessness, and children in foster care! We need your feedback! COVID-19 has impacted all of us and has interrupted our students' learning. Join the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development for an evening chat as we discuss the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and gather your input on the needs of our children.
Please join us for a discussion on the COVID-19 Pandemic and Education. Choose whichever day works for your schedule!
• Monday, May 10, 2021 at 6pm
• Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 6pm
• Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 6pm
All meetings are accessible here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85080672200
You can also join us on the phone by calling this number 888-475-4499 and entering the meeting ID: 850 8067 2200

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Find more information on the Alaska Children's Trust website: https://www.alaskachildrenstrust.org/child-abuse-prevention-month

Unalakleet School Daily Howl
February 17, 2021
In order to have open gym, volunteers are needed to monitor the front door and provide and document health screenings. If interested, please contact Jason Harris.
Breakfast: Assorted Dry Cereal, Granola Bar, Milk
Lunch: Baked Silver Salmon, Ancient Grains Rice w/Kale, Green Beans, Mandarin Oranges, Milk
State Virtual Academic Decathlon
Feb. 17 - Essay
Feb. 25 - Testing and Speech
Feb. 26 - Testing and Interview
Saturday, February 20th via Zoom District Spelling Bee
Sites participating: DIO, KTS, KKA, SHH, TLA, UNK, WAA, WMO
Will be Broadcasted on Student Activities Facebook page.
January 18th to February 19th: School Climate and Connectedness Survey (SCCS).
Family Survey: https://surveys.panoramaed.com/aasb/70260family
Family Survey: We value input from our families. You are an important partner as we work to continually improve each school’s environment. Each parent/guardian is asked to complete one survey. All of these surveys are voluntary, anonymous, confidential, and do not ask questions about students’ families.
Upcoming Events:
High School Basketball Schedule
WEEK 2 - February 26-27
Unalakleet Boys at Nome Boys
Nome Girls at Unalakleet Girls
WEEK 3 - March 12-13
Shaktoolik Boys and Stebbins Boys at Unalakleet Boys
Gambell Girls and Unalakleet Girls at Teller Girls
WEEK 4 - March 26-27
Shaktoolik Girls and Teller Girls at Unalakleet Girls
Gambell Boys and Unalakleet Boys at Teller Boys
March 15th - 19th Spring Break
5% Precip. / 0 in
A mix of clouds and sun. High 7F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph.

Unalakleet School Daily Howl
February 16, 2021
In order to have open gym, volunteers are needed to monitor the front door and provide and document health screenings. If interested, please contact Jason Harris.
Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, Toast, Mixed Fruit, Milk
Lunch: Oven Baked Chicken, Corn, Brown Rice, Applesauce Cup, Milk
State Virtual Academic Decathlon
Feb. 17 - Essay
Feb. 25 - Testing and Speech
Feb. 26 - Testing and Interview
Saturday, February 20th via Zoom District Spelling Bee
Sites participating: DIO, KTS, KKA, SHH, TLA, UNK, WAA, WMO
Will be Broadcasted on Student Activities Facebook page.
January 18th to February 19th: School Climate and Connectedness Survey (SCCS).
Family Survey: https://surveys.panoramaed.com/aasb/70260family
Family Survey: We value input from our families. You are an important partner as we work to continually improve each school’s environment. Each parent/guardian is asked to complete one survey. All of these surveys are voluntary, anonymous, confidential, and do not ask questions about students’ families.
Upcoming Events:
March 15th - 19th Spring Break
Generally cloudy. High around 15F. Winds E at 10 to 15 mph.
Afterschool Activities and Practice Schedule:
6:50 - 8 am:
HS Shoot Around
3 - 4 pm:
MS Tutoring
3:15 - 6:15 pm:
HS BB Practice
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
G JH BB Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm: B JH BB Practice
6:50 - 8 am:
HS Shoot Around
3 - 3:45 pm
2nd/3rd Tutoring
3 - 4:00 pm
MS Tutoring
3:15 - 6:15 pm: HS BB Practice
4 pm - 5 pm
Ski Race Team
4 pm - 6 pm:
HS Tutoring
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
3rd/4th BBall Practice
6 pm:
AK Virtual Symph. Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm:
B JH BB Practice
6:50 - 8 am:
HS Shoot Around
3:00 - 3:45 pm: 2nd/ 3rd Tutoring
3:00 - 4:00:
MS Tutoring
3:15 - 6:15 pm:
HS BB Practice
4 - 5 pm:
Ski 3rd - MS
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
G JH BB Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm:
B JH BB Practice
6:50 - 8 am: HS Shoot Around
3:00 - 3:45 pm: 2nd/3rd Tutoring
3:00 - 4:00 pm:
MS Tutoring
3:15 - 6:15 pm:
HS BB Practice
4 - 5 pm:
Ski Race Team
4 - 6 pm:
HS Tutoring
4:15 Spelling Bee
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
G JH BB Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm:
B JH BB Practice
6:50 - 8 am:
HS Shoot Around
3:15 - 6:15 pm:
HS BB Practice
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
3rd/4th BB Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm:
B JH BB Practice
12 - 1 pm
Ski 1st - MS
2 - 3 pm
Ski Race Team
3 pm:
High School Shoot Around
4 - 5:30 :
G JH BB Practice

Unalakleet School Daily Howl
February 15, 2021
Congratulations to the Wolfpack Spelling Team! Lilah won 1st place, Kaysen 2nd place, and Brian with 3rd. These three will represent the Unalakleet Wolfpack in the district spelling bee.
In order to have open gym, volunteers are needed to monitor the front door and provide and document health screenings. If interested, please contact Jason Harris.
Breakfast: Breakfast Bites, Applesauce Cup, Milk
Lunch: Burrito, Chips, Mixed Vegetables, Mixed Fruit, Milk
January 18th to February 19th: School Climate and Connectedness Survey (SCCS).
Family Survey: https://surveys.panoramaed.com/aasb/70260family
Family Survey: We value input from our families. You are an important partner as we work to continually improve each school’s environment. Each parent/guardian is asked to complete one survey. All of these surveys are voluntary, anonymous, confidential, and do not ask questions about students’ families.
Upcoming Events:
March 15th - 19th Spring Break
Generally cloudy. High around 15F. Winds E at 10 to 15 mph.
Afterschool Activities and Practice Schedule:
6:50 - 8 am:
HS Shoot Around
3 - 4 pm:
MS Tutoring
3:15 - 6:15 pm:
HS BB Practice
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
G JH BB Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm: B JH BB Practice
6:50 - 8 am:
HS Shoot Around
3 - 3:45 pm
2nd/3rd Tutoring
3 - 4:00 pm
MS Tutoring
3:15 - 6:15 pm: HS BB Practice
4 pm - 5 pm
Ski Race Team
4 pm - 6 pm:
HS Tutoring
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
3rd/4th BBall Practice
6 pm:
AK Virtual Symph. Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm:
B JH BB Practice
6:50 - 8 am:
HS Shoot Around
3:00 - 3:45 pm: 2nd/ 3rd Tutoring
3:00 - 4:00:
MS Tutoring
3:15 - 6:15 pm:
HS BB Practice
4 - 5 pm:
Ski 3rd - MS
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
G JH BB Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm:
B JH BB Practice
6:50 - 8 am: HS Shoot Around
3:00 - 3:45 pm: 2nd/3rd Tutoring
3:00 - 4:00 pm:
MS Tutoring
3:15 - 6:15 pm:
HS BB Practice
4 - 5 pm:
Ski Race Team
4 - 6 pm:
HS Tutoring
4:15 Spelling Bee
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
G JH BB Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm:
B JH BB Practice
6:50 - 8 am:
HS Shoot Around
3:15 - 6:15 pm:
HS BB Practice
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
3rd/4th BB Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm:
B JH BB Practice
12 - 1 pm
Ski 1st - MS
2 - 3 pm
Ski Race Team
3 pm:
High School Shoot Around
4 - 5:30 :
G JH BB Practice

High School Seniors: Apply for AASB’s 30th Annual June Nelson Scholarship Competition! Winners receive a $1,500 Scholarship. Application Deadline: Monday, March 8, 2021 at 11:59 pm

High School Seniors: Apply Now for the June Nelson Scholarship!
Apply for AASB’s 30th Annual June Nelson Scholarship Competition! Winners receive a $1,500 Scholarship.
Application Deadline:
Monday, March 8, 2021 at 11:59 pm
The Association of Alaska School Boards is proud to announce its 30th Annual Scholarship Award Competition. The June Nelson Memorial Scholarship is named in honor of the late June Nelson, longtime school board member from Kotzebue. June contributed much to the cause of education and will be remembered for her outstanding service on behalf of Alaska’s children.
This 2020-2021 school year, AASB will award fifteen graduating seniors each with a $1,500 scholarship to apply toward their post-secondary education. The scholarship may be applied toward the student’s choice of a business, trade, or a college institution.

Saturday, February 13th:
Unalakleet Schools Parent/Teacher Conference Day:
Please use the Main office door for Middle School and Elementary student's parents and the Gym door for High School student's parents. Remember to wear a mask.
10:30 am JV HS Boys Basketball vs Nome
12:00 Varsity Boys Basketball Vs Nome
2:00 pm for 3rd and 4th Basketball
4:30 pm Jr. High Girls Basketball
High School Girls Basketball vs Nome (Away)
Sat. 2/13 Ski Team Practices
Elem. & MS 12-1 pm
Race Team 2-3 pm
Dragon’s Back

Unalakleet School Daily Howl
February 12, 2021
JOB Posting: 5th and 6th Grade Basketball Coach
Breakfast: Pancakes & Sausage on a Stick, mixed berries, Milk
Lunch: Corn Dogs, French Fries, Baked Beans, Pineapple Chunks, Milk
Friday 2/12 -
Culture Day
6:30: JV High School Boys Basketball vs Nome
8 pm: Varsity High School Boys Basketball vs Nome
High School Girls Basketball Vs Nome (Away)
Saturday, February 13th:
Unalakleet Schools Parent/Teacher Conference Day
10:30 JV HS Boys Basketball vs Nome
12:00 Varsity Boys Basketball Vs Nome
2:00 for 3rd and 4th Basketball
4:30 Jr. High Girls Basketball
High School Girls Basketball vs Nome (Away)
January 18th to February 19th: School Climate and Connectedness Survey (SCCS).
Family Survey: https://surveys.panoramaed.com/aasb/70260family
Family Survey: We value input from our families. You are an important partner as we work to continually improve each school’s environment. Each parent/guardian is asked to complete one survey. All of these surveys are voluntary, anonymous, confidential, and do not ask questions about students’ families.
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, Feb 13th
Please use the Main office door for Middle School and Elementary students. Please use the Gym door for High School teachers. Remember to wear a mask! If you need a different time, or would prefer a phone call please contact the school office.
March 15th - 19th Spring Break

Unalakleet School Daily Howl
February 11, 2021
Congratulations to Lena, Jordan, Bri, and Kaylea who all qualified for the Acadeca State Competition!
JOB Posting: 5th and 6th Grade Basketball Coach
Breakfast: Cream of Wheat, Strawberries, Cinnamon Toast, Milk
Lunch: Beef Shepards Pie, Sugar Snap Peas, Brown Rice, Mixed Berries, Milk
Thursday 2/11 - Formal Thursday
Spelling Bee 7 pm
Friday 2/12 -
Culture Day
6:30: JV High School Boys Basketball vs Nome
8 pm: Varsity High School Boys Basketball vs Nome
High School Girls Basketball Vs Nome (Away)
Saturday, February 13th:
Unalakleet Schools Parent/Teacher Conference Day
10:30 JV HS Boys Basketball vs Nome
12:00 Varsity Boys Basketball Vs Nome
High School Girls Basketball vs Nome (Away)
January 18th to February 19th: School Climate and Connectedness Survey (SCCS).
Family Survey: https://surveys.panoramaed.com/aasb/70260family
Family Survey: We value input from our families. You are an important partner as we work to continually improve each school’s environment. Each parent/guardian is asked to complete one survey. All of these surveys are voluntary, anonymous, confidential, and do not ask questions about students’ families.
Upcoming Events:
March 15th - 19th Spring Break
Snow will taper off and end this morning but skies will remain cloudy this afternoon. High near 15F. Winds E at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 70%. Snowfall around one inch.
Afterschool Activities and Practice Schedule:
All ms/hs students, regardless of academic eligibility, are encouraged to participate in basketball practices.
6:50 - 8 am:
HS Shoot Around
3 - 4 pm:
MS Tutoring
3:15 - 6:15 pm:
HS BB Practice
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
G JH BB Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm: B JH BB Practice
6:50 - 8 am:
HS Shoot Around
3 - 3:45 pm
2nd/3rd Tutoring
3 - 4:00 pm
MS Tutoring
3:15 - 6:15 pm: HS BB Practice
4 pm - 5 pm
Ski Race Team
4 pm - 6 pm:
HS Tutoring
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
3rd/4th BBall Practice
6 pm:
AK Virtual Symph. Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm:
B JH BB Practice
6:50 - 8 am:
HS Shoot Around
3:00 - 3:45 pm: 2nd/ 3rd Tutoring
3:00 - 4:00:
MS Tutoring
3:15 - 6:15 pm:
HS BB Practice
4 - 5 pm:
Ski 3rd - MS
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
G JH BB Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm:
B JH BB Practice
6:50 - 8 am: HS Shoot Around
3:00 - 3:45 pm: 2nd/3rd Tutoring
3:00 - 4:00 pm:
MS Tutoring
3:15 - 6:15 pm:
HS BB Practice
4 - 5 pm:
Ski Race Team
4 - 6 pm:
HS Tutoring
4:15 Spelling Bee
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
G JH BB Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm:
B JH BB Practice
6:50 - 8 am:
HS Shoot Around
3:15 - 6:15 pm:
HS BB Practice
6:15 - 7:15 pm:
3rd/4th BB Practice
7:15 - 8:15 pm:
B JH BB Practice
12 - 1 pm
Ski 1st - MS
2 - 3 pm
Ski Race Team
3 pm:
High School Shoot Around
4 - 5:30 :
G JH BB Practice

BSSD Academic Decathlon Super Quiz and Awards Ceremony will be held Tuesday, February 9, at 2:00 PM. Tune into https://www.facebook.com/BSSDStudentActivities for the live feed!

High school student government is hosting a Spirit Week next week! Here are the dress-up days.
Monday 2/8: Matching Monday
Tuesday 2/9: Tie-Dye Tuesday
Wednesday 2/10: Wear your heart on your sleeve day
Thursday 2/11: Formal Thursday
Friday 2/12: Culture Day

Public Notice: Bering Strait School District Board Meeting The Bering Strait School District Board of Education is scheduled to meet on Thursday, February 4, 2021, for the 227th Regular Session at 9:00 AM Join the Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/96582132300?pwd=UUxybjZWbGtWSE9IM1Q4aTVScFdodz09 Meeting ID: 965 8213 2300 Passcode: 952886 Call-in Numbers: 877-853-5247 US Toll-Free: 888-788-0099 ACTION ITEMS: FY22 Bilingual/ Bicultural Staffing Proposals FY22 Classified Staffing Proposals FY22 AP Proposal in KTS FY22 Special Education Teacher Proposal FY22 Certified Staffing Proposals Classified Step Adjustment Proposal FY22 District Calendar Basketball Season Proposal FY22 CIP 6-Year Plan FY21 Fuel Bid FY22 AHFC Priorities Day Tank/ Bulk Fuel Tank Painting AHFC Grant Koyuk Housing Renovations and Repairs Policy Adoption Section 4000 Policy Adoption Section 5000 ANEED Grant Executive Session-Superintendent Evaluation REPORTS: NACTEC 2nd Quarter Financial Curriculum & Instruction Cultural Classified Manual Superintendent’s PUBLIC COMMENTS

Public Notice: Bering Strait School District Board Meeting
The Bering Strait School District Board of Education is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, February 4, 2021, for the 227th Regular Session at 9:00 AM
Join the Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/96582132300?pwd=UUxybjZWbGtWSE9IM1Q4aTVScFdodz09
Meeting ID: 965 8213 2300
Passcode: 952886
Call-in Numbers: 877-853-5247 US Toll-Free: 888-788-0099
FY22 Bilingual/ Bicultural Staffing Proposals
FY22 Classified Staffing Proposals
FY22 AP Proposal in KTS
FY22 Special Education Teacher Proposal
FY22 Certified Staffing Proposals
Classified Step Adjustment Proposal
FY22 District Calendar
Basketball Season Proposal
FY22 CIP 6-Year Plan
FY21 Fuel Bid
FY22 AHFC Priorities
Day Tank/ Bulk Fuel Tank Painting
AHFC Grant
Koyuk Housing Renovations and Repairs
Policy Adoption Section 4000
Policy Adoption Section 5000
Executive Session-Superintendent Evaluation
2nd Quarter Financial
Curriculum & Instruction
Classified Manual

Public Notice: Bering Strait School District Board Meeting
The Bering Strait School District Board of Education is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, February 4, 2021, for the 227th Regular Session at 9:00 AM
Join the Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 965 8213 2300
Passcode: 952886
Call-in Numbers: 877-853-5247
US Toll-Free: 888-788-0099
FY22 Bilingual/ Bicultural Staffing Proposals
FY22 Classified Staffing Proposals
FY22 AP Proposal in KTS
FY22 Special Education Teacher Proposal
FY22 Certified Staffing Proposals
Classified Step Adjustment Proposal
FY22 District Calendar
Basketball Season Proposal
FY22 CIP 6-Year Plan
FY21 Fuel Bid
FY22 AHFC Priorities
Day Tank/ Bulk Fuel Tank Painting
AHFC Grant
Koyuk Housing Renovations and Repairs
Policy Adoption Section 4000
Policy Adoption Section 5000
Executive Session-Superintendent Evaluation
2nd Quarter Financial
Curriculum & Instruction
Classified Manual

Each year, we look to gather feedback from all stakeholders regarding the work of our Administrators, Teachers, and the Superintendent to assist in growth for everyone and to assist in making improvements to our schools. Please take the time to fill out each survey below.
Site Administrator Survey - https://tinyurl.com/FY21Admin
Teacher Survey - https://tinyurl.com/FY21Teacher
Superintendent Survey - https://tinyurl.com/FY21Sup

The Alaska Association for Career and Technical Education (AK ACTE) has recognized the Bering Straits School District CTE Program for manufacturing Personal Protective Equipment for regional health care responders and providers, and seafood industry workers with the Community Service Award.