Be Awesome!

Unalakleet School Daily Howl

March 31, 2021


Delivery of students’ meals and packets will only be provided for families that are all under quarantine.  We are unable to provide delivery for students whose parents/guardians can pick up their meals/packets. Thank you so much for your understanding. 

PEAKS Testing

Testing will be the first thing in the morning, so after the announcements, getting set up, and hearing the directions, students typically start at about 9:10.

Elementary skiers must return their ski gear this week. Bring your boots, skis, and poles to school in the morning; or drop off gear at the Wax Room on Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 or Friday from 3:30-4:30.


Elementary Award Assembly

Wednesday, March 31 · 2:30 – 3:30pm Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 617-675-4444‬ PIN: ‪700 369 459 3210‬# 




Breakfast: Strawberries, Breakfast Pizza, Graham Cracker w/Peanut Butter and Milk

Lunch: Mixed Fruit, Hot Dog on a Bun, Sweet Potato Fried, Baked Beans and Milk


Upcoming Events:

Alaska State Basketball Tournament: April 1st - 3rd

AEC Meeting Monday, April 12 · 6:30 – 7:30pm

Google Meet joining info: Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 617-675-4444‬ PIN: ‪609 198 194 6303‬ 


Weather: 8% Precip. / 0 in

Mainly cloudy. A few peeks of sunshine possible. High 7F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.